For Communities

Social Contribution Activities

1. Financial Literacy Classes

AEON Financial Service, AEON Credit Service and AEON Bank work to develop sound card holders in the future through the implementation of financial education (about money, including credit cards) for high school students.
In addition, AEON Bank regularly provides financial education to help high school and university students develop their knowledge of finance and economics so that they can lead a more prosperous life. In Malaysia, AEON Credit Service (Malaysia) provided money-related education for elementary school students.

Financial education
Financial education

2. Support for Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake

Since fiscal 2017, we have been participating in “volunteer cotton harvesting” as part of land rehabilitation in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture in cooperation with The People, an NPO. In fiscal 2018, our second year of participation, employees of Group companies and members of their families took part. AEON Financial Service and AEON Credit Service also made donations to The People, and AEON Financial Service sponsored the Cotton Summit event.

Volunteers harvesting cotton
Volunteers harvesting cotton
Volunteers harvesting cotton
Donation presentation ceremony

3. Community Contribution Activities

In an effort to become a company that is closely related to the local community, we are working to contribute to the local community, such as supporting volunteer activities in each region. Employees visit social welfare facilities near offices throughout Japan and continuously interact through seasonal events and events. In addition, employees actively participate in local festivals with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development of local communities.
AEON Credit Service opened the farm “Peace Farm” in June 2018 and provided a new workplace for people with various disabilities. At this farm, we are actively engaged in social contribution activities, such as considering sending harvests to neighboring facilities.

Morioka Sansa Odori Festival
Morioka Sansa Odori Festival
Peace Farm opening ceremony
Peace Farm opening ceremony

Overseas, we have been awarded the Caring Company Logo Certification for more than 10 years in Hong Kong for companies that are actively engaged in social contribution activities.
We held a charity bowling event to support the Ramathibodi Foundation in Thailand, which is engaged in cancer treatment and hepatocyte and genetic research.

Charity bowling event in Thailand
Charity bowling event in Thailand

4. Donations and Fundraising

We continue to engage in numerous fundraising activities in collaboration with customers, with funds raised through the charity program “24 Hour Television: Love Saves the Earth”.
In addition, we are continuously supporting scholarships for students from Asia studying in Japan and students studying in Asian countries, mainly listed companies in Hong Kong, Thailand, and Malaysia.

Scholarship ceremony in Hong Kong
Scholarship ceremony in Hong Kong