Please explain how AEON Financial Service came to be established.
As an early mover in the Japanese credit card industry, a credit project team was launched at Jusco Co., Ltd., (now called Aeon Co., Ltd.) in 1979. As a result of this groundwork on credit card issuance, the Jusco Card was launched in 1980.
To facilitate the growth of the credit card business, a separate company was formed, based on members of the original project team, and AEON Financial Service was established in 1981 as Japan Credit Services Co., Ltd.
When did you first list your shares on the over-the-counter market?
Our OTC debut was on December 27, 1994. Our company was listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on December 2, 1996, and on the First Section on August 3, 1998.
Where does the name Aeon come from?
Aeon is the Latin word for eternity. We changed our company name on August 21, 1994, reflecting our awareness that we must always answer our customers' needs, and that we will continuously grow and prosper by doing so. In recent years, we have further refined this concept with the slogan "toward a future of limitless promise" - a phrase derived from one of the many linguistic roots of the word AEON. We are committed to helping our customers build their future dreams.
Business Overview
How many cardholders do you have?
As of February 28, 2023, we have 48.24 million cardholders, and 30.82 million cardholders in Japan. Of this total, 18.86 million were classified as active cardholders (defined as cardholders who have used their credit card within the previous year). We have been succeeding in increasing the number of cardholders,both in active holders and the whole, by providing services that take in customers' voices,such as AEON CARD SELECT in cooperation with credit card, cash card and E- money.
How many types of credit card do you issue?
We issue over 50 different credit cards. In addition to our primary credit card, AEON Card, we also provide co-branded cards through alliances with a wide range of partner companies, including general marchandise store (GMS) operators,airline company, railway company and gas station. We offer a rich lineup of credit cards catering to the particular lifestyle needs of each chardholder.
How would you describe your cardholder base?
Most Aeon cardholders sign up at supermarkets. The majority of our customers are women, forming 60% of our cardholder base.
When did you begin to develop your business outside Japan?
We began our overseas expansion in October 1987, when we became the first Japanese credit card company to established a branch office in Hong Kong . Currently , We have local subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippinnes, Cambodia, India, Myanmar and Laos.
What is the extent of your overseas operations?
Not only establishing local subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, India, Myanmar and Laos. In each overseas market, we are engaged in credit card and installment sales finance operations serving local consumers. Our operations in Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia have grown to the stage of gaining listings on local stock exchanges, and also Thailand office launched an insurance agency in February 2005. As of February 28, 2023, the number of cardholders outside Japan has reached 17.42 million. For further information, please refer to Overview of operations.
How many consolidated subsidiaries do you have and what lines of business are they in?
As of February 28, 2023, we have 32 consolidated subsidiaries, 9 in Japan and 23 overseas. These businesses include insurance operations, servicer operations, installment sales operations and consumer finance operations. For further information, please refer to Overview of AEON Financial Service.
On which stock exchange are the shares of AEON Financial Service Co.,Ltd. listed?
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market
What is your securities code?
What is the minimum trading unit for AEON Financial Service Co.,Ltd. shares?
When is your annual shareholder's meeting?
It is held on or before May 31 each year.
How much will the dividend be for the current fiscal year?
We are projecting a dividend of JPY53 per share for the fiscal 2023.
When are dividends paid?
The interim dividend is scheduled to be paid to shareholders of record (including beneficial shareholders) as of August 31. The year-end dividend is scheduled to be paid to shareholders of record (including beneficial shareholders) as of February 28.
Is there a shareholders' benefits program?
Not at this time.
Where should I send address changes and other stock notifications?
Please contact the transfer agent at Mizuho Trust & Banking.
Contact Information:
Transfer Agent, Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
1-3-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
What method do you use for public notices?
We use electronic public notices. However, if we cannot use electronic public notices due to accident or other unavoidable reason, we use the Nihon Keizai Shimbun for public notices.
Where is the stock price of AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd. listed in the newspaper stock columns?
It is published in the Finance and Insurance column, or the Securities, Insurance and Real Estate column.
Financial Data
When is your fiscal year-end?
On the last day of February each year.
When do you release your earnings results to the public?
Our annual earnings report is published in early-middle April of each year.
Please provide information on your latest financial results and forecasets.
Our latest financial results can be found inFinancial information.For results forecasts, please refer to the Brief reports in the financial dataIR Library .
Please tell me where to find your past results and financial information.