For Shareholders and Business Partners

For Shareholders and Business Partners

Communication with Shareholders and Investors

Through Investor Relations (IR) activities, the Company fairly, accurately, promptly, and continuously provides information to shareholders and other investors about results. In fiscal 2020, we held briefing sessions for analysts and institutional investors. In addition to conducting individual interviews with officers and staff responsible for IR, The 40th Ordinary General Meeting of Sherehoders was held on May 21, 2020, the Company's initiatives during the fiscal year were explained with images. We also posted notices of convocation of general shareholders meeting in English on our website. We also introduced a voting exercise platform operated by Investor Communications Japan (ICJ) to enhance information dissemination to overseas shareholders and improve convenience. We will continue to focus on communication with investors.

Relationship with Business Partners and Code of Conduct

We maintain sound, healthy business relationships with our business partners by working with them in a mutually prosperous relationship that is based on close cooperation mediated by products and services. We have codified these policies in our Code of Conduct and are working to ensure thorough knowledge of it among all employees.