
stock information

General Notes

Information for stockholders and investors posted on this Internet site is provided as a means to access financial and management data relating to AEON Financial Service Co.,Ltd. and its affiliates, and is not intended as a solicitation to invest. Investors should not depend solely on information provided herein as a basis for investment decisions, which should be made freely by individual investors based on their own judgment.


We have carefully reviewed the information contained in this Internet site, but we cannot be held responsible for any reason if there should be an error in the information, falsification by a third party, or damages resulting from downloads.

Notes Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

The content of this Internet site includes information related to our future strategies, policies and financial projections, based on and calculated using currently available data. It includes elements of risk and uncertainty related to economic trends, increased industry competition, market demand, exchange rates, taxes and other regulations. As a result, actual results may materially differ from these forecasts.

IR Quiet Period

AEON Financial Service refrains from IR-related activities during a quiet period between the settlement of accounts and the announcement of results. During this time, we do not make comments or answer questions concerning accounts. We may, however, disclose information containing amendments and revisions within this period if we determine that future results could deviate significantly from our forecasts.