Compliance System
The AEON Code of Conduct has been established to provide guidance for appropriate judgments and actions in line with the social norms and corporate ethics upheld by the AEON Group. The Group, meanwhile, has established the AFS (AEON Financial Service) Group Basic Policy for Compliance. Considering both these guidelines to be common standards of values, all officers and employees of the Group ensure compliance with these guidelines.
The Group has formulated the Compliance Regulations and Compliance Manual to thoroughly inform all officers and employees about the laws and regulations that they must comply with, as well as specific points to watch out for, and how to respond should they discover any compliance violations. In addition, the Group holds compliance training at regular intervals and whenever else it is required.
The Company has established the Group Legal and Compliance Department as a department charged with overseeing the compliance of the Group. It performs monitoring of the compliance status of the respective Group companies and provides guidance and advice when necessary.
The Internal Control Committee performs monitoring of compliance inside the Group and examines the measures carried out in response to compliance-related issues.
The Board of Directors receives reports and opinions relating to compliance in the Group from the Internal Control Committee and also makes decisions on important matters relating to compliance.
Each Group company has a contact point for consultation to ensure the promotion of compliance and the integrity of the compliance system of the Group. In addition, all officers and employees are informed about the AEON Code of Conduct “110” hotline contact point and the outside hotline contact point for consultation. In addition to issues involving legal violations, while protecting the individual making the counsultation, we are investigating the facts and devising measures for improving or resolving issues,the contact points for consultation protect the individual making the consultation and help the Group companies to take corrective action.
The Group has formulated the Basic Policy for Handling Anti-Social Forces. This policy clearly informs officers and employees that relationships with anti-social forces are to be blocked, and they are to be resolutely excluded. In addition, the Company and each Group company compile and analyze data about anti-social forces collected from both inside and outside the Group and report the status of management to the Company. The Company monitors the status of management of all Group companies regarding the exclusion of anti-social forces, and provides instructions and guidance when necessary.
In addition, we regard money laundering and terrorist financing, which have been increasing internationally in recent years, as an important management issue. In order to promote proactive response, we have formulated AFS Group Basic Policy for Prevention of Money Laundering, and are working to develop and operate management systems at each Group company.
AFS Group Basic Policy for Compliance
1. Earning Trust
We are well aware that we have an important social responsibility and public mission as a comprehensive financial group, and we strive to earn unwavering trust from society by acting in good faith and ensuring sound business operations.
2. Respecting Human Rights
Our officers and employees all treat each other as partners in the workplace, showing mutual respect for one another’s personal characteristics and individuality.
3. Complying Fully with Laws and Regulations
We shall rigorously adhere to all laws and regulations and our corporate activities shall be fair, honest and aligned with social norms. We shall also be highly ethical and shall sustain and enhance a corporate culture of compliance with laws and regulations.
4. Managing Information
We shall handle customer data and other critical information with the utmost care, and manage it rigorously to avoid improper use.
5. Ensuring a Customer-Oriented Approach
We shall always put customers first and offer reliable, high-quality financial services suited to each customer’s needs. Furthermore, we shall ensure that our actions never harm our customers’ interests in order to benefit the AEON Financial Service Group, and shall refrain from using our dominant position to persuade customers to enter into transactions.
6. Confronting Anti-Social Forces
We are committed to maintaining a resolute stance against anti-social forces that pose a threat to civil society, and cut off any relations with anti-social forces.
7. The effort for preventing AML/CFT
We shall establish a management framework to prevent breaches of AML/CFT related laws and regulation,and handle suspicious transactions, when detected, in a timely and proper manner without overlooking.
8. Anti-bribery and anti-corruption
We shall comply with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations applicable in each country, including Japan,and will not directly or indirectly conduct bribery and corruption.
Basic Policy for Handling Anti-Social Forces
We have established the following basic policy for precluding damage from anti-social forces in light of our social responsibility and public mission as a comprehensive financial group to eliminate anti-social forces from society, and the absolute necessity of this responsibility and mission in protecting our corporate interests.
The Group has promulgated the following basic policy to prevent damage by anti-social forces, which are groups or individuals that seek economic benefit from the use of violence, blackmail and fraud.
- 1. The Group shall have no relationship with antisocial forces.
- 2. The Group shall prevent damage from anti-social forces by cooperating with external specialized organizations such as police, the National Center for the Removal of Criminal Organizations, and attorneys in an organized and appropriate manner.
- 3. The Group shall not accede to any unfair demands by anti-social forces, and shall address them firmly and resolutely.
- 4. The Group shall not provide funds to or engage in secretive transactions with antisocial forces.
- 5. The Group shall ensure the safety of executives and employees who address to unfair demands from antisocial forces.
AFS Group Basic Policy for Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
1. Management commitment
AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “AFS”) and AFS’s consolidated subsidiary (hereinafter collectively referred to as “AFS Group ”), taking into account its social responsibility as a financial institution, company and corporate group, considers the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing to be one of its most important management issues.
2. Group commitment
AFS Group respects and complies with the laws and regulations applicable to each group company in Japan and other countries and regions concerning the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
3.Officers and employees
All officers and employees in AFS Group shall not engage in money laundering or terrorist financing, nor shall they provide any assistance, including involvement, support or inaction, to those who engage in such activities.
4.Commitment to establish organizational control
Based on applicable laws and regulations, AFS Group shall develop an organizational structure to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing under the leadership of management.
5.Intra-group and mutual cooperation
AFS Group shall work together to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, and shall engage in necessary intra-group and mutual cooperation.
6.Validation and Enhancement
In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, AFS Group shall endeavor to continuously validate and enhance measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, and establish an effective risk management framework.
In order to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing appropriately, when implementing the program, AFS Group shall foster awareness among officers and employees, ensure necessary knowledge is delivered, and conduct training.