Handling of Personal Information

AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) publicly releases the following matters, based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (“Personal Information Protection Act”).

Purposes of Use of Personal Information

1. Collected Personal Information

The Company does not, with the exception of information that is publicly available, collect or use customers’ personal information from any third party without the consent of the customer. Personal information collected by the Company is as follows.

  • (1)Information provided on prescribed application forms and the like, including for credit cards, various types of loans, and insurance
  • (2)Information reported or communicated to the Company within the scope stipulated in the contract with the customer
  • (3)Information that arises in transactions with the Company, including the use of cards, card payments (including WAON and other electronic money charges and other usage situations), and inquiries made by telephone and other means
  • (4)Information obtained from personal credit reporting agencies
  • (5)Information that is publicly available, including in official gazettes, telephone books, and the like
  • (6)Information acquired through the Company obtaining and using customers’ Resident Record (Jumin-hyo) and the like when deemed necessary by the Company for credit determinations and management after providing credit, or to confirm the person’s identity
  • (7)Information collected while confirming the customer’s identity using the customer’s driver’s license, passport, or other documents, based on the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds
  • (8)Information automatically obtained by the Company through cookies and the like (access information, ad identifiers, OS type, language, IP address, location information, terminal identification number, and so on obtained through the use of web beacons or other technology) as a result of using the Company’s services and the like
  • (9) Location information measured through application software due to using application software provided by the Company
  • (10)Shareholder information

2. Purposes of Use of Personal Information, Excluding Specific Personal Information, Etc

  • (1)Information from customers in the Company’s possession is used within the scope stated in the member agreement and the like to issue credit cards (including WAON and other forms of electronic money), for credit card use, billing, and inquiries, and to provide services (including sending direct mail and other communications to provide information about products and services that match customers’ interests and tastes, and survey analysis of customers’ information associated with this as well as survey analysis for research and development of products and services).
  • (2)In the case of all or a portion of personal information processing being outsourced from another business operator or similar, personal information is used within the scope of the purposes of use stipulated in the contract for appropriately executing the outsourced business operations. Business operations outsourced from other business operators are as follows.
    • Credit card business operations
    • Data entry business operations for outsourced data
    • Customer center representative business operations
  • (3)Personal information is used to provide information about products and services, including those of partner companies and the like.
  • (4)Recorded information from inquiries and other telephone calls and video and the like recorded for the purposes of crime prevention is used for the purpose of accurately understanding reports and requests from customers, their details and the like, and responding appropriately.
  • (5) In the business management of the Company as well as consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies under the equity method listed in annual securities reports and other Company reports, and other business operations incidental to this work, personal information is used within the scope necessary to calculate dividends, send notices of resolutions, business reports, and other communications, for shareholder management, to exercise rights and execute business operations based on laws and regulations and contracts, and other appropriate business operations.

3. Purposes of Use of Specific Personal Information, Etc.

The Company uses Specific Personal Information, Etc., limited to the following purposes of use.

  • (1)Creation of payment records for distribution of divisions and surpluses as well as interest on funds
  • (2)Creation of payment records for rewards, fees, and the like
  • (3)Creation of payment records for the use of real estate and the like
  • (4)Creation of payment records for compensation for acquisition of real estate and the like
  • (5)Creation of payment records for sale or loan mediation fees of real estate and the like

4. Registration and Use with Personal Credit Reporting Agencies

  • (1)Within the scope stipulated in member agreements and the like, the Company makes inquiries to personal credit reporting agencies it is a member of and uses the registered personal information to make proper credit determinations for customers and conduct management after providing credit.
  • (2)The personal data at partner credit information agencies shall be referred, within the scope stipulated in the member agreement for the purpose of making appropriate credit decisions and credit management.

5. Provision and Use of Personal Information

With the exception of the following cases, customers’ personal information is never provided to any third party.

  • In the case of provision to a third party upon receiving the customer’s consent
  • In the case of outsourcing information processing to an external company
  • In the case of receiving an inquiry based on laws and regulations from a public agency
  • When necessary to protect life, physical safety, or assets and obtaining the customer’s consent is not feasible
  • In other cases stipulated by laws and regulations

6. Handling of Personal Information in Hiring Activities

Personal information obtained by the Company in employee hiring activities is not used for purposes other than employee hiring and screening.

7. Handling of Sensitive Information

The Company, based on guidelines on personal information protection in the financial sector and guidelines on personal information protection in the credit sector, does not obtain, use, or provide to third parties sensitive information (information related to political opinions, religious beliefs (religion, philosophy, and principles), labor union membership, race and ethnicity, family origin and birthplace, medical care, sexual activity, and criminal record), excluding the cases listed in said guidelines.

Personal Information Protection Efforts

The Company has obtained PrivacyMark System certification, administered by the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC, a general incorporated foundation), and Information Security Management System (ISMS) Conformity Assessment Scheme certification from the Japan Quality Assurance Organization (a general incorporated foundation). The Company has expanded the applicable scope of ISMS to all business locations, and has obtained the internationally recognized UK standard BS 7799. In addition, as a result of the International Standards Organization issuing international standard ISO 27001, the Company obtained certification of said standard after undergoing a screening to transition from BS 7799 to ISO 27001. With this, the Company’s information security management system is in compliance with internationally unified standards.

  • Under the PrivacyMark System, business operators that have established appropriate retention measures for the handling of personal information, based on the Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Q 15001 (Personal Information Protection Management System – Requirements) are permitted to use the PrivacyMark.
  • ISO 27001 is the international standard for information security management systems, internationally certifying a company as having established and managing the operation of an appropriate information security framework.
  • PrivacyMark
  • ISO27001
AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd. has obtained PrivacyMark and ISO 27001 certification.

Security Controls

In conformity with the Privacy Policy, the Company implements appropriate security controls for personal information per the following and appropriately manages personal information to prevent loss, alteration, leaks, or similar of information.

1. Establishment of Rules for Handling of Personal Data

The Company has established personal information protection rules and security control regulations for personal information stipulating the handling methods and designation of responsible persons and staff regarding obtaining, using, saving, providing, deleting, and the like.

2. Organizational Security Controls

  • The person responsible for handling of personal information (Party Responsible for Personal Information Management) is designated.
  • The employees handling personal information and the scope of personal information handled by said employees are clearly defined.
  • A framework for reporting to and contacting the Party Responsible for Personal Information Management in the event of learning of an incident or signs of a violation of laws or internal rules is established.
  • Periodic self-inspections of the status of personal information handling are conducted, and audits by the internal audit division and external parties are performed.

3. People-related Security Controls

  • Periodic trainings for employees on important considerations when handling personal information are conducted.
  • Matters pertaining to confidentiality related to personal information are documented in the employment rules and elsewhere.

4. Physical Security Controls

  • In areas where personal information is handled, employee access is controlled, devices and the like that are brought in are restricted, and measures are taken to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal information.
  • Measures are taken to prevent the theft or loss and the like of devices, electronic media, and documents and the like where personal data is handled. In addition, when said devices, electronic media, and the like are brought in, including when moving around within a business location, measures are implemented so that personal data cannot be easily revealed.

5. Technical Security Controls

  • Access controls are implemented, and the staff and scope of personal information that is handled are restricted.
  • Procedures to protect information systems that handle personal information from external unauthorized access or unauthorized software are established.

6. Understanding of the External Environment

Regarding personal information retained in foreign countries, appropriate security controls are implemented upon gaining understanding of the systems pertaining to personal information protection in the relevant foreign country.

Outsourcing of Personal Information

When outsourcing the handling of personal information, said outsourcing partner is supervised appropriately.

Recording Conversations

The Company records conversations to improve the quality of service provided by the Company and confirm the details of inquiries. In addition, customers using stores and facilities related to the Company may be recorded for the purpose of preventing crime. The Company appropriately manages such information and does not use it for other purposes.

Ensuring the Accuracy of Personal Data

The Company strives to maintain personal information in an accurate and up-to-date state, within the scope necessary to fulfill the purposes of use. When there is a change in reported matters, please report this using the method prescribed by the Company.

Procedure for Requesting Disclosure, Etc. of Held Personal Data and Records Provided to Third Parties

1. The procedure for requesting disclosure of held personal data and records provided to third parties is as follows.

  • (1)Contact
    (Contact) AEON Card Call Center, Company branches and sales offices
    (Representative) Customer Service Promotion Department.
  • (2)Business hours
    9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., 365 days a year
    ※Some branches and sales offices may have different hours
  • (3)How to make a request
    Call the AEON Card Call Center, visit a Company branch or sales office, send by mail
  • (4) Scope of people able to make requests
    ① The person in question
    ② Legal representatives
    ③ Voluntary representatives
  • (5) Required documents
    ① Disclosure request form prescribed by the Company
    ② Documents confirming the person in question’s identity

The documents to prepare when requesting disclosure are as follows.

  • Please submit a copy of one document from the following Group A. If submitting a document from Group A is not possible, please provide copies of two documents from Group B (the originals for ③ – ⑥ must have been issued within the last three months).
  • Documents for verifying the identity of the person in question are limited to those within their period of validity that are currently valid.
  • When making a request by mail, please make copies so that the person’s name, date of birth, and address (and photo in the case of a photo) are clearly visible and send them by mail with the request. If the address on the driver’s license has changed, please also make a copy of the back of the driver’s license and send it by mail with the request.
Group A Group B
①Driver’s license ①Various heath insurance cards
② Driving Record Certificate ②Various pension handbooks
③Passport ③ Seal Registration Certificate
④Various disability handbooks ④Family Register or abstract of Family Register
⑤Residence card ⑤Resident Record
⑥Special Permanent Resident Certificate ⑥Receipt of payment or bill from public utilities
⑦Basic Resident Registration Card with photo
Group A
① Driver’s license
②Driving Record Certificate
④Various disability handbooks
⑤Residence card
⑥Special Permanent Resident Certificate
⑦ Basic Resident Registration Card with photo
Group B
①Various heath insurance cards
②Various pension handbooks
③Seal Registration Certificate
④Family Register or abstract of Family Register
⑤Resident Record
⑥Receipt of payment or bill from public utilities
  • (6)Fee
    There is no fee related to disclosure.
    However, the customer is responsible for fees related to issuance of a Seal Registration Certificate and the like and postage.
  • (7)Disclosure details
    ① Information to identify the person in question, including their name, date of birth, address, and telephone number
    ② Information related to contract details, including the date of concluding the contract and the type of contract
    ③ Information related to payment status
    ④ Information related to usage status
    ⑤ Information related to records provided to third parties
  • (8)Name and address as well as the name of the representative of the business operator handling the personal information
    Please refer to the Personal Information Protection Policy (Basic Policy on Information Security).

2. Procedure for Requesting an Investigation

As a result of the disclosure, an investigation may be requested when details are factually incorrect and when there is completely unrelated information and so forth.

  • (1)Preconditions
    Disclosure of held personal data or records provided to third parties has occurred
  • (2) Contact
    (Contact) AEON Card Call Center, Company branches and sales offices
    (Representative) Customer Service Promotion Dept.
  • (3)Business hours
    9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., 365 days a year
    ※Some branches and sales offices may have different hours
  • (4)How to make a request
    Call the AEON Card Call Center, visit a Company branch or sales office, send by mail
  • (5)Scope of people able to make requests
    The person in question
    Legal representatives
    Voluntary representatives
  • (6)Fee
    Free of charge
  • (7)Required documents
    Request form prescribed by the Company

Please inquire with the contact if anything is unclear.

【Contact for matters regarding disclosure, correction, deletion, complaints, and consultations about personal information】
Dept.: Customer Service Promotion Dept., AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd.
Contact: AEON Card Call Center
0570-071090(Navi Dial: Charges apply)
(Business hours) 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., 365 days a year
  • ※Access may not be possible from IP telephones. Please make inquiries to the following number if you cannot connect to the above number.
【Certified Personal Information Protection Organizations】
The Company is a member of the Japan Consumer Credit Association (non-profit organization), a certified personal information protection organization based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
Japan Consumer Credit Association telephone number for inquiries

Please contact to make inquiries at each company about the services they offer, including about disclosure and handling of personal information by AFS Group companies.

Use of Cookies, Advertising, and IDs

  • 1.Always enable cookies before using Company services. When cookie settings are disabled, effective provision of services may not be possible.
  • 2.Company services use behavioral targeting services to display ads provided by some partner companies. Behavioral targeting is an advertising method to display ads that match visitors’ interests based on website viewing and other information. These behavioral targeting services to display ads use cookies, web beacons, or mobile advertising identifiers and the like to collect users’ website viewing data for the purpose of displaying ads relevant to the user, but this data does not include any personal information able to identify users. If you would like to stop your website viewing and other data from being collected, you may do so from the following webpage
    Opting Out (in Japanese)
  • 3. Company services use Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics (“Analytics”) to understand how some areas of websites are used. The use of Analytics allows the service provider to collect, record, and analyze users’ visit history, based on cookies issued by the Company’s websites. Data collected through the use of Analytics is managed based on the privacy policy of the service provider. An explanation of how cookies are used by Analytics and the information collected by cookies is available at the following service provider websites.
    Information about Google Analytics (service provider: Google)(in Japanese)
    Information about Adobe Analytics (service provider: Adobe)(in Japanese)
  • 4.Cookies are information sent by websites to users’ browsers, and are recorded on users’ smartphones, tablets, and computers. However, the recorded information does not contain any personally identifiable information, such as the user’s name, address, telephone number, or email address. Cookies do not negatively affect users’ smartphones, tablets, or computers. Users can refuse to accept cookies by configuring their browser settings. Except for some features, doing this will not interfere with viewing websites and the like. Please inquire with the software manufacturer about how to configure browser settings.

Joint Use of Member Store Information

The Company engages in joint use of member store information per the following, based on Article 27.5.3 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Member Store Information Exchange System

The Japan Consumer Credit Association (general incorporated association) (“JCA”) has been authorized by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, based on Article 35-18 of the Installment Sales Act. JCA collects, organizes, and provides information in the Member Store Information Exchange Center (“JDM Center”) necessary to protect the interests of users (credit users) and others, which is one of its authorized business operations.

2. Reporting and Use of Information Collected from Member Stores and Others

Member store information exchange system member companies (“JDM Members”) collect and use each item of information specified in “3. (2) Content of jointly used information," report it to the JDM Center, and it is jointly used by JDM Members for the purpose of conducting member store examinations when receiving applications for member store contracts, member store investigations after concluding member store contracts, measures for member stores, and examinations and the like related to business continuity.

3. Joint Use of Member Store Information

  • (1)Purposes of joint use
    In the member store information exchange system, operated as a business operation of the Certified Installment Sales Association stipulated in the Installment Sales Act, information related to acts by member stores that fail to protect users and others (including acts that are suspected of such and acts where it is difficult to determine if they correspond to such acts) and information related to member stores necessary to protect users and others as well as information related to member store acts that cause interference with appropriate management of credit card numbers and the like and prevention of unauthorized use of credit card numbers and the like (“Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, Etc.”) and member store information necessary in Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, Etc. is reported to the JDM Center by the Company and is provided to JDM Members for their joint use for the purposes of improving the precision of examinations when member store contracts of JDM Members are concluded or being developed, eliminating malicious member stores, promoting Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, Etc., and contributing to the healthy development of credit transactions and consumer protections.
  • (2) Content of jointly used information
    ① The facts and circumstances of investigations required to process complaints related to said member stores and others in individual credit purchase mediation transactions
    ② The facts and circumstances of cancelling a contract pertaining to an individual credit purchase mediation transaction by reason of having conducted an act that failed to protect users and others related to business operations pertaining to individual credit purchase mediation transactions
    ③ In contracts that handle credit card numbers, etc., the facts and circumstances of investigations required for Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, Etc. by the relevant member store or other entity
    ④ In contracts that handle credit card numbers, etc., the facts and circumstances of measures taken for the relevant member store (including cancelling contracts that handle credit card numbers, etc.) when it is recognized that the measures for Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, Etc. taken by the relevant member store or other entity do not conform to the standards stipulated in the Installment Sales Act, or are at risk of not conforming
    ⑤ Objectively factual information related to acts that cause unjust damages to JDM Members, users, or others, pertaining to matters corresponding to acts that fail to protect users and others (including matters suspected of corresponding and matters where it is difficult to determine whether correspondence exists)
    ⑥ Content reported to JDM Members from users and others (not limited to matters following conclusion of a contract) and of said content, information determined to be acts that fail to protect users and others (including information about suspected said acts and information where it is difficult to determine whether said acts were conducted)
    ⑦ Information related to acts that cause interference with management and the like of credit card numbers and the like conducted by member stores
    ⑧ Information collected by the JDM Center about facts and their details publicly released by a government agency (information and the like publicly released when there is a violation or risk of a violation of laws and the like related to specified commercial transactions)
    ⑨ Information related to acts that fail to protect users and others other than the aforementioned
    ⑩ The name, address, telephone number, and date of birth (for corporate entities, the name, address, telephone number, Corporate Number, and name and date of birth of the representative) of said member stores for each of the items listed above. However, of the information in the aforementioned ⑥, excluding the name and date of birth (for corporate entities, the name and date of birth of the representative) for information where it is difficult to determine whether said acts were conducted.
  • (3)Retention period
    The information in the aforementioned (2) is retained for a period not exceeding five years from the date of registration (For ③ and ⑦, the date of completing measures in ④ corresponding to said information or the date of registering cancellation of a contract).

4. Scope of Joint Users That Jointly Use Member Store Information

Comprehensive credit purchase mediation business operators, individual credit purchase mediation business operators, and business operators concluding contracts that handle credit card numbers and the like that are JCA members as well as JDM members, and the JDM Center

  1. JDM Members are listed on the JCA’s website.

https://www.j-credit.or.jp/ (in Japanese)

5. Contact for Inquiries About the System and Disclosure Procedure

Please contact the JDM Center listed below in 6. for inquiries about the member store information exchange system and the disclosure procedure.

6. Person Responsible for Administration

Member Store Information Exchange Center (JDM Center), Japan Consumer Credit Association
Address: Sumitomo Seimei Nihonbashi-Koamicho Bldg., 14-1 Nihonbashi-Koamicho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director: Tetsuo Matsui
Telephone number: 03-5643-0011 (reception)

Joint Use of Personal Information

The Company may engage in joint use with the following joint users provided in the following 1. (2) and 2. (2) after taking appropriate measures to protect customers’ personal data. In addition, when joint use is restricted by related laws and regulations, such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, personal information is handled in accordance with those laws and regulations.

1. Joint Use with AFS Group Companies

  • (1) Jointly used items of personal data
    Name, date of birth, sex, address, telephone number, email address and other attribute information, product and service types, transaction amounts, transaction information such as contract dates, store numbers, information required in transaction management including account numbers, results of credit determinations, documentation and other matters related to credit determinations and credit management (However, excluding information related to customers’ ability to repay debts provided from personal credit reporting agencies.), family information, place of work, occupation information, information about assets and liabilities, information about transaction needs, information about customers’ information communication devices and information obtained from the use of cookies and the like (including web beacons, UIDs, and other technology), publicly available information, and other matters related to customer attributes
  • (2)Scope of joint users
    AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries in Japan as well as affiliated companies under the equity method in Japan (However, companies that have been announced externally based on Article 27.5.3 of the Personal Information Protection Act shall be the applicable companies.)
  • (3)Purposes of use of users
    • To understand and manage various types of risk necessary in business management
      • Customers’ age, occupation and other attribute information, results of credit determinations and information about credit management, information about assets and liabilities, and the like is analyzed and used to understand various types of risk necessary in business management.
    • To propose and provide information about various types of products, services, and the like
      • Customers’ name, address, email address, and other attribute information is used to provide information about new products and services to customers (by sending direct mail, sending email, etc.).
      • Transaction information including type, price, and location of products and services customers have purchased is used to propose products and services to customers that match customers’ interests and tastes.
    • To make credit determinations for customers, conduct management following provision of credit, and recover debts and make determinations in other transactions with self
      • Information about customers’ income, assets, and liabilities and transaction information including transaction amounts is used to make appropriate credit determinations for customers.
    • To plan and develop various types of products, services, and the like
      • Customers’ age, sex, and other attribute information, information about customers’ transaction needs, and the like is used to plan and develop new products and services that meet market needs.
  • (4)Name of person with responsibility for management of said personal data
    Shunsuke Shirakawa, President
    AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd.
    TERRACE SQUARE, 3-22 Kandanishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054

2. Joint Use with AEON Group Companies

  • (1)Jointly used items of personal data
    Name, date of birth, sex, address, telephone number, email address, store numbers, information on transactions with customers, family information, information about place of work, information about income and expenditures, information about assets and liabilities, information about transaction needs, publicly available information, and other matters related to customer attributes
  • (2)Scope of joint users
    Joint use is conducted with the following companies. In addition, when new joint users are added, they shall be publicly disclosed on the Company’s websites and elsewhere
    (Joint Users)
    ・ AFS Group companies
    ・ AEON Co., Ltd.
    ・ Aeon Retail Co., Ltd.
    ・ AEON Marketing Co., Ltd.
    ・ Other applicable consolidated companies listed in the annual securities reports of AEON Co., Ltd., and affiliated companies accounted for by the equity method
    (However, companies that have been announced externally, based on Article 27.5.3 of the Personal Information Protection Act, shall be the applicable companies.)
  • (3)Purposes of use of users
    • To propose and provide information about various types of products and services, online sales, and the like
      • For example, members’ name, address, email address, and other attribute information is used to provide information (by sending direct mail, sending email, etc.) about products and services (in addition to AFS Group products and services, this includes announcements of third-party products and services) to members. In addition, transaction information including the types, prices, and locations of products and services purchased by members is used to propose products and services to members that match their interests and tastes
    • To plan and develop various types of products, services, and the like
    • To analyze customers’ data to propose various types of products and services
  • (4)Name of person with responsibility for management of said personal data
    Shunsuke Shirakawa, President
    AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd.
    TERRACE SQUARE, 3-22 Kandanishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054

3. Stopping Joint Use for Proposing and Providing Information about Various Types of Products, Services, and the Like

Of the shared use with companies listed in 1. and companies listed in 2., when a customer makes a request to the following contact for inquiries to have joint use for proposing and providing information about various types of products and services, online sales, and the like stopped, joint use thereafter is promptly stopped.

【Contact for inquiries about stopping joint use】
AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd. Outsourced service provider
AEON Bank Call Center
0120-13-1089 (toll free: no charge)
(Business hours) 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., 365 days a year

4. Joint Use in Point Services

  • (1)Jointly used items of personal data
    ① Name, date of birth, sex, telephone number, address, email address, family information, information about place of work, information about transaction needs, publicly available information, and other information related to customer attributes, other information reported by customers
    ② Information about the types of various products and services that have been transacted, and the details of customers’ individual transactions, such as the date of contracts, membership numbers, and transaction amounts, balances, and due dates
  • (2)Scope of joint users
    Joint use is conducted with the following companies.
    (Joint Users)
    ・ AEON Co., Ltd.
    ・ Aeon Retail Co., Ltd.
    ・ AEON Bank, Ltd.
    ・ AEON Marketing Co., Ltd.
  • (3)Purposes of use of joint use
    ① To provide point services, various types of benefits, and the like
    ② To have joint users propose and provide information about various types of products and services, online sales, and the like of joint users, partner companies, and member stores
    ③ To plan and develop various types of products, services, and the like
    ④ To analyze member information when proposing various types of products and services
  • (4)Name of person with responsibility for management of said personal data
    Akio Yoshida, President and CEO
    AEON Co., Ltd.
    1-5-1 Nakase Mihama-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture 261-8515
  • (5)Stopping joint use for proposing and providing information about various types of products, services, and the like
  • (6)Of the joint use with listed companies, when a customer makes a request to the following contact for inquiries to have joint use for proposing and providing information about various types of products and services, online sales, and the like ((3) ② above) stopped, joint use thereafter is promptly stopped.
Contact for inquiries regarding customers’ personal information (Customer Service Dept.), AEON Co., Ltd.
Inquiry form: https://www2.aeon.info/cs/ (in Japanese)

Creation and Joint Use of Pseudonymous Data

The Company creates pseudonymous data for items of information specified in the following (1) that are held by the Company, after taking appropriate protection measures to ensure that specific individuals cannot be identified without referencing other information.
The Company may engage in joint use with joint users provided in the following (2), after taking appropriate measures to protect customers’ pseudonymous data. In addition, when joint use is restricted by related laws and regulations, such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, personal information is handled in accordance with those laws and regulations.
With the exception of joint use, data is not provided to any third party. Pseudonymous data, excluding instances based on laws and regulations, is only used for joint use. When using the data, the personal information used to create the pseudonymous data is not referenced, and the person in question will not be contacted using the pseudonymous data.

  • (1)Pseudonymous data items that are created and jointly used
    Information obtained by the Company in the process of providing products and services to customers, such as the following information that is processed so that the specific individuals cannot be identified  
    • Information about contracts
      (a) IDs identifying customers (irreversibly processed)
      (b) Sex
      (c) Date of birth
      (d) Telephone number (last 4 digits deleted)
      (e) Email address domain
      (f) Address postal code and address code
      (g) Housing status
      (h) Information about assets and liabilities
      (i) Family information
      (j) Annual income (income bracket)
      (k) Information about place of work and occupation
      (l) Driver’s license acquisition status
      (m) Bank code, branch code, type of account for withdrawals
      (n) Results of credit determinations, documents, and other matters related to credit determinations and credit management
      (However, excluding information related to customers’ ability to repay debts provided from personal credit reporting agencies)
      (o) Store code
    • Transaction date of use, place of use, amount of use, method of payment, etc.
    • Information obtained from online customer points of contact (action history, etc. from Company websites and smartphone apps provided by the Company)
    • Other information obtained by the Company during business operations
  • (2)Scope of joint users
    Joint use is conducted with the following companies. In addition, when new joint users are added, they shall be publicly released on the Company’s websites and elsewhere.
    ・ The Company and consolidated subsidiaries of the Company in Japan as well as affiliated companies under the equity method in Japan
    ・ AEON Co., Ltd. as well as consolidated companies in Japan listed on the annual securities reports and affiliated companies under the equity method in Japan of AEON Co., Ltd.
    Information about Group businesses and companies | AEON Co., Ltd.
  • (3)Purposes of use of users
    To conduct planning, research and development, investigations, analysis, and sales promotions without identifying specific individuals
  • (4)Name of person with responsibility for management of pseudonymous data
    Shunsuke Shirakawa, President
    AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd.
    3-22 Kandanishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054


This document was updated on January 14, 2025.
ducts and services that meet market needs.