Dividends and Stock Splits

stock information

FY2024(March 1,2024 to Feburuary 28,2025) Interim Dividend

1. Interim Dividend: ¥25.00 per share

2. Effective date and payment date: Thursday,November 14,2024

Dividend Policy

AEON Financial Service sees returning profits to shareholders as a management priority. Our basic policy is to appropriately allocate profits to shareholders and retain funds internally to expand our businesses and improve productivity to enhance corporate competitiveness.

The Articles of Incorporation state that matters specified in each item of Article 459, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act, such as the distribution of surplus, shall be determined by a resolution of the Board of Directors, not by a resolution of the meeting of shareholders, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

In addition, although the Company's basic policy is to distribute surplus profits twice a year as an interim dividend and a year-end dividend, the Articles of Incorporation state that the Board of Directors may declare dividends at any time during the fiscal year.

Dividend Payments per Share

For the fiscal year ending February 28, 2025, the company plans to pay an annual dividend of 53 yen (dividend of 25 yen at the end of the second quarter and dividend of 28 yen at the year-end).

Dividend Payments per Share

*Annual totals

  Interim dividend End of year dividend Total dividend
FY2024 ¥25 ¥28(Forecast) ¥53(Forecast)
FY2023 ¥25 ¥28 ¥53
FY2022 ¥20 ¥33 ¥53
FY2021 ¥19
(Included a commemorative dividend of ¥2 per share)
(Included a commemorative dividend of ¥2 per share)
(Included a commemorative dividend of ¥4 per share)
FY2020 ¥11 ¥23 ¥34
FY2019 ¥29 ¥39 ¥68
FY2018 ¥29 ¥39 ¥68
FY2017 ¥29 ¥39 ¥68
FY2016 ¥29
(Included a commemorative dividend of ¥1 per share)
(Included a commemorative dividend of ¥1 per share)
(Included a commemorative dividend of ¥1 per share)
FY2015 ¥28 ¥38 ¥66
FY2014 ¥25 ¥35 ¥60
FY2013 ¥25 ¥35 ¥60
FY2012 ¥20 ¥25 ¥50 ※2
FY2011 ¥15 ¥25 ¥45 ※1
FY2010 ¥15 ¥25 ¥40
FY2009 ¥15 ¥25 ¥40
FY2008 ¥15 ¥25 ¥40
FY2007 ¥15 ¥25 ¥40
FY2006 ¥15 ¥25
(¥5 of commemorative dividend included)
FY2005 ¥35 ¥55 ¥90
FY2004 ¥30 ¥40 ¥70
FY2003 ¥25 ¥35 ¥60
FY2002 ¥25 ¥30 ¥55
FY2001 ¥20 ¥30 ¥50
FY2000 ¥15 ¥25 ¥40
FY1999 ¥20 ¥15 ¥35
FY1998 ¥20 ¥15 ¥35
FY1997 ¥15 ¥15 ¥30
FY1996 ¥10 ¥20 ¥30
FY1995 ¥10 ¥15 ¥25
FY1994 - ¥15 ¥15
  • *The Company plans to issue final dividend of 50 Japanese Yen for the year ended March 2013, including a special dividend of 5 Japanese Yen per share for celebration of the management integration with AEON Bank. The record date for determining the names of shareholders who have the right to receive the dividend and the closing date of the shareholders registration book shall be on 4th January 2013.
  • The Company paid commemorative dividends of \5 per share with a record date of November 20, 2011 for fiscal year 2012.
  • The Company paid commemorative dividends of \5 per share with a record date of January 4, 2013 for fiscal year 2013.

Stock Splits

As we promote long-term stability in the value of our shares, we are aware of the critical need to expand our investor base and improve the liquidity of our shares. Along the way, we have changed the size of our stock trading lot and implemented stock splits as necessary.

Date Stock split
Febluary 21, 2006 1 : 3
April 10, 2003 1 : 1.1
February 10, 2000 1 : 2
April 8, 1999 1 : 1.1
February 17, 1998 1 : 1.2
April 10, 1997 1 : 1.2
April 10, 1996 1 : 1.1
April 10, 1995 1 : 1.1

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