Environmental Conservation Activities

Through financial business, we make use of the good intentions of our customers for environmental conservation activities. In our day-to-day operations, we continue our efforts to protect the environment, such as purchasing environmentally friendly office supplies, promoting resource and energy conservation, and cleaning volunteers around our offices.

Initiatives in Business Activities

1. Web Statement (Environmental Declarations)

“Web Statement (Environmental Declaration)” is a service that reduces paper consumption and CO2 emissions by viewing credit card statements online instead of previous printed materials, and leads to environmental conservation. It reduces CO2 emissions by 500 grams※ per envelope, and in FISCAL 2018 reduced carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 20,000 tons per year.

※ Calculated based on the Ministry of the Environment's “Example of calculation method of carbon dioxide reduction effect of eco-action point”

2. Credit Cards

All of the credit cards we issue are made from PETG. This material does not contain chlorine, and therefore does not release chlorinated gases known as dioxins when incinerated. Complete incineration decomposes this material into water and carbon dioxide.

aeon card 

3. Repairing credit card magnetic defects

We have started a service to repair magnetic defects in AEON cards at AEON Bank ATMs. We improve the convenience of our customers and reduce the environmental impact of issuing cards.

4. Promoting paperless

In the enrollment procedure of credit cards, etc., we use tablet terminals in stores nationwide instead of the paper that we have been using so far. In addition, we are working to reduce waste and conserve resources by turning the use of posters and signage in stores into digital signage (electronic signboards).

5. Rigorous Green Purchasing

In Japan, we promote the consideration of the environment based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services.

Donations and Fundraising

Issuing Credit Cards That Contribute to the Environment

The COSMO THE CARD Opus Eco that we issue contributes to the environment. We provide donations from customers to recipients and support their efforts to conserve the environment and contribute to society.
COSMO THE CARD Opus Eco supports environmental conservation and education through the Cosmo Oil Eco Card Fund.

Issuing Credit Cards That Contribute to the Environment

Initiatives in the local community

1. Cleaning Up on AEON Day

We have made the 11th of every month a day of social contribution activities we call AEON Day, on which employees take part in cleanup activities around their workplaces. The entire AEON Group takes part in AEON Day cleanup activities. In Malaysia, aeon Credit Service (Malaysia) employees cleaned the coast at Tanjung Barau Beach in Johor.

Coast cleaning in Malaysia
Coast cleaning in Malaysia

2. Tree Planting

We actively participate in the AEON Hometown Forest Program, which has been planting trees around newly opened stores in collaboration with customers since 1991. We also work with the AEON Environmental Foundation in tree planting activities in Japan and overseas, which involves cooperation between central and local governments to replant forests devastated by natural disasters and other events.

Employees in Japan actively participated in tree planting in Matsukawaura, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture in June 2018, in Watari, Miyagi Prefecture in October 2018.

Overseas, we participated in the “Planting Tree in Jakarta, Indonesia” held in September 2018 with our business partners, with our directors as the leader.
In Thailand, employees of AEON Financial Service subsidiary AEON Thana Sinsap (Thailand) PCL participated in tree planting activities at Sea Runner National Park in Chiang Mai Province along with local residents.

Everyone's Forest-Building in Miyagi
Everyone's Forest-Building in Miyagi
Tree planting in Jakarta, Indonesia
Tree planting in Jakarta, Indonesia